Elm Blog GitHub SeriesPart 3 - Add multiple pagesDraft
Elm Blog GitHub Series
Part 3 - Add multiple pages
Add interaction while improving the architecture.
Step 1 - Add The Elm Architecture skeleton
Now that we know how to get something in Elm on a web page hosted on GitHub, let's follow
The Elm Architecture
In it's simplest form it includes:
a model,
a view, and
an update function.
The model represents our data.
The view defines how we want the model to be displayed. In this case we will output HTML.
The update function explains what should happen when a new message is received requesting some action or change. Example: requesting to view a blog post.
Add the following to your
main =
{ init = home
, update = update
, view = view
-- Model
type alias Model = { ... }
home = Nothing
-- Update
type Msg = Reset | ...
update msg model =
case msg of
Reset ->
-- View
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Elm explorer blog" ]
, text "Here's what I learned while exploring Elm..."
This won't compile yet. We'll fill in the "..." bits soon.
Step 2 - Define the model
Now we'll define our model. To keep it simple let's just have a title and some content.
type alias Model =
{ title : String
, content : String
Let's create a function that returns the model we want for our home page.
home =
{ title = "Elm explorer blog"
, content = "Here's what I learned while exploring Elm..."
Step 3 - Define the interactions
Next we'll define the interactions we want in our blog. To continue with the simplicity theme, we'll define each of the pages messages as distinct messages:
type Msg
= ShowHomePage
| ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost
This means we can do two things in our application: show the home page and show the "What You Made with Elm" blog post.
Step 4 - Define the update function
function defines how to interact with the view and the outside world.
We'll define how to handle our interactions:
update msg model =
case msg of
ShowHomePage ->
This won't compile for a couple of reasons. The first is obvious: we haven't defined what happens when we want to show the home page.
Let's fill that in:
update msg model =
case msg of
ShowHomePage ->
We've already defined
so it seems like this should work. Let's see what the compiler tells us...
elm make src/Main.elm --output=elm.js
Output from the compiler:
-- MISSING PATTERNS ----------------------------------------------- src/Main.elm
This `case` does not have branches for all possibilities:
43|> case msg of
44|> ShowHomePage ->
45|> home
Missing possibilities include:
I would have to crash if I saw one of those. Add branches for them!
Hint: If you want to write the code for each branch later, use `Debug.todo` as a
placeholder. Read <https://elm-lang.org/0.19.0/missing-patterns> for more
guidance on this workflow.
Whoa! That's really useful. It tells us we forgot to handle one of the interactions. That means cases
must be exhaustive
when used this way. It even provides a link explaining why and how to resolve it.
Let's fix it by adding the other interaction to our case expression:
-- Add the whatIMadeWithElmPost record
whatIMadeWithElmPost =
{ title = "What I Made With Elm"
, content = "Here's the blog I made in Elm: ..."
-- Other code here
update msg model =
case msg of
ShowHomePage ->
ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost ->
Here's what the whole program looks like right now:
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
main =
{ init = home
, update = update
, view = view
type alias Model =
{ title : String
, content : String
home =
{ title = "Elm explorer blog"
, content = "Here's what I learned while exploring Elm..."
whatIMadeWithElmPost =
{ title = "What I Made With Elm"
, content = "Here's the blog I made in Elm: ..."
-- Update
type Msg
= ShowHomePage
| ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost
update msg model =
case msg of
ShowHomePage ->
ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost ->
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text "Elm explorer blog" ]
, text "Here's what I learned while exploring Elm..."
Woohoo! It compiles!!
What happens on the page? Wait, it still just shows the same thing. Let's improve that.
Step 5 - Use the model in the view function
As you can see we've moved
to the bottom and renamed it to just
. Now we'll set the title and content based on the model instead of hard-coding it.
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text model.title ]
, text model.content
However, there's still no interaction. Not for long!
Step 6 - Add buttons
Add a
with two
elements to the
function. The
event mimics HTML and expects us to give it a
to define what it should do.
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text model.title ]
, text model.content
, div []
[ button [ onClick ShowHomePage ] [ text "Home" ]
, button [ onClick ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost ] [ text "What I Made with Elm" ]
We'll need to import
at the top before it will compile.
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
Step 7 - Review the whole program
Here's your blog post app in all it's glory:
module Main exposing (main)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
main =
{ init = home
, update = update
, view = view
type alias Model =
{ title : String
, content : String
home =
{ title = "Elm explorer blog"
, content = "Here's what I learned while exploring Elm..."
whatIMadeWithElmPost =
{ title = "What I Made With Elm"
, content = "Here's the blog I made in Elm: ..."
-- Update
type Msg
= ShowHomePage
| ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost
update msg model =
case msg of
ShowHomePage ->
ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost ->
view model =
div []
[ h1 [] [ text model.title ]
, text model.content
, div []
[ button [ onClick ShowHomePage ] [ text "Home" ]
, button [ onClick ShowWhatIMadeWithElmPost ] [ text "What I Made with Elm" ]
This is a naïve approach to adding multiple pages meant for learning.
Once you've built some small things in Elm and need to organize bigger applications with multiple pages (single-page applications - also known as SPAs), I recommend checking out Richard Feldman's
. I use this architecture at work all the time with great success.
If you're looking to build a production blog with Elm, check out these tools:
These tools require some advanced understanding of Elm.
We covered a lot in this post:
Things we didn't discuss, but secretly used anyway:
Pure functions
Union types
Declarative programming
Next steps
Explore some more on your own.
Here are a few ideas:
Write a new blog post (add interaction
If you liked the series, share it!